He was active as a silversmith in Columbus, OH until 1859.
Louis was born 17 or 18 Oct 1817 in Genthin, Prussia, son of Carl Gustav Bisky and Wilhelmine Ehrenreich. He married, 26 Feb 1859, Philadelphia, PA, Henriette Kurtz, daughter of Frederic Kurtz and Katherine Berman of Mulhausen, Alsace-Lorraine. She arrived 1 Sept 1855 in NY on the George Williams from Bremen, Germany, age 26, occupation unknown, from Lengenfeld, GR, destination USA. "Germans to America" Vol. 9. Dec 1854-Dec 1855. (Lengenfeld is in Hessen)
Louis and Henriette settled in College Point, Queens, NY where their two children were born. Son, Julius August was born 16 Oct 1860. He attended a College of Pharmacy, but I do not know which one. He became a well recognized amateur botanist, he died young. Daughter, Emma Frances was born seven months after her father's death, on 5 Dec 1863. It is not known if Louis was aware his wife was pregnant at the time of his death. Louis and Henriette are the gg grandparents of my husband. I intend to add more personal information about Louis and his family as I post his diary. My hope is that descendants of people named in this diary find it and contact me with more information.
The first post is of the comments made by the person who translated the two diaries, one Mrs. Migdol. Note that asks rhetorically if Louis Bisky may have left his homeland due to involvement in the Revolution of 1848-49 and indeed that was the case. He may have gotten out one step ahead of the authorities.
*******CIVIL WAR DIARY OF LOUIS BISKY 1816 -1863*******
Evaluation-Mrs, Migdol
Louis Bisky a native of Prussia was naturalized September 1855 in Columbus Ohio. He joined the New York Volunteers October 7th 1861 at the age of forty-five, as Lieutenant. in March 1863 he was elevated to Captaincy at Aquia Creek Virginia. He was killed on May second 1863 by a musket ball passing through his head, in the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. he was made a Major Posthumously.
He left, as far as it is known, two diaries written in Gothic German. It was difficult at times to decipher the writing for one must remember that they were written over one hundred years ago, under extreme hardships.
In the very beginning I felt like a trespassor (sic), as one may, when invading another person's innermost thoughts. There are times when one feels wholly inadequate and at a loss for words, when one feels deeply about something or someone. This is how I feel about Louis Bisky and his diaries. I will try and put into words a few of my impressions and hope I can do it justice.
His command of the German language, his knowledge of English, with here and there a word of French thrown in, leaves no doubt in my mind that Louis Bisky was a person of education and background. His entry into the army as Lieutenant, his military terminology, his self discipline, cool evaluation of situations and his entire makeup leads one to surmise that he was a military man, perhaps a military academy graduate. It would be, I am certain, extremely interesting and informative, to find out what motivated this man to coma to America. In his first diary he made special mention of the anniversary of the "Berlin Revolution" which took place in 1848. It is known fact that this revolution was started by the better educated classes. Is it possible that Louis Bisky participated in that revolution and, because of it failing, had to leave his homeland? One cannot help but wonder, for his idealism, fairness, love of country, equality for all and willingness to die for his beliefs certainly brings up this supposition.
There were notes of items to be purchased on the last page of the second diary, among them, one for a notebook as Louis Bisky called his diaries. Was ther another diary? If so, was it lost?, or perhaps gathering dust in some dark corner.
In translating these diaries I have tried very hard to convey the sensitivity, the human touch and sometimes the droll humor with which it was written.
I have neither added nor omitted anything in the translating.
It was a very fascinating and enjoyable task and since it is an authentic part of American history I am sure others will enjoy it and find it as interesting as I did.
Carl Bisky's middle name was Gustav, not Gustavo.