Friday, April 6, 2012

April, Sunday 6, 1862


Morning: Five o'clock Marching Order for Eight thirty o'clock.

The most magnificent weather. Ground still wet.

I have irritability to diarrhea presumably from bouillon and meat (beef) that was too fat.

Departure ten-thirty o'clock.

Alongside of the railroad, good roads. Direction North West. Railroad far into the distance destroyed.

On the way we meet the vast wagon train Banks Division Second, Mass (N 11V) Eighteen P.V. etc. Prisoners, farmer, Latter locked up. He had taken one of ours prisoner and since he could not produce him was shot to death.

Enemy Cavalry.

Four-thirty o'clock Warrenton.

Beautiful small city. Villas - Lave offices. ** Great many slaves, churches, churches for the colored, they prefer us in their church rather than the Stinky Mississippians. Our prisoners from Warrenton Junction it is said were led through here, even officers with bound hands.

**Public baths.

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