Saturday, September 22, 2012

September, Monday 22, 1862

Balls Crossroad to Centerville.

In the morning the main quarters of the division and brigade are marching, also the wagontrain. Great disorder of the transportation for wagons are lacking.

Only the twentyseventh and fortyfirst regiment have their munitions on their wagons. The eighth and fortyfifth regiment have left great stocks of other articles behind, including munitions. - The brigade quartermaster also has left various articles, among others the weapon parts I found (Karoliner) and the box with repair articles. During the march I manage quite nicely with the horse also my riding skill. We arrived by good weather towards evening in Centerville (via Falls Church.) For the time being no tents are to be erected. The headquarters are in a farmhouse. I sleep outside.

Towards morning heavy dew.

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