Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September, Thursday 4, 1862

By Lewinsville.

Marchingreadiness (sic) at four o'clock in the morning however we remain here the entire day.

In front and along side us still many other regiments. 

During the night Adjutant Kandler brought me a parcel which Pierz had brought from New York. It contained my uniform, underwear, chocolate and roasted flour. To put on a clean shirt was of great comfort to me especially so since we have not seen our baggage from the time we left our camp in Sulphur Springs.* Afternoon about two or three o'clock our battery, about two miles in front of us, was active without our visibility of the enemy nor could we hear return activity from them. Likewise during the night we heard a distant cannonade in the direction of Alexandria.


*Probably about the 24th of August.

TILBACH, ALOIS.-Age, 45 years. Enrolled, September 2, 1861, at New York city to serve three years; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. D, September 24, 1861; as first lieutenant Co. G, July 1, 1862; discharged, January 11, 1863; commissioned second lieutenant, November 4, 1861, with rank from September 24, 1861, original; first lieutenant, August 28, 1862, with rank from June 15, 1862, vice Theo. Durban, promoted. 

45th_Infantry_CW_Roster  @p. 415
See post of March 7.

MATTHESIUS, HENRY.-Age, 35 years. Enrolled, September 6, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant-major, September 9, 1861; as second lieutenant, Co. B, January 18, 1862; discharged, July 21, 1862; also borne as Matthews; not commissioned second lieutenant.

45th_Infantry_CW_Roster  @p. 355
 See post of March 7.

LUTZ, CHARLES F.-Age, 23 years. Enrolled, September 2, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. D, September 9, 1961; discharged, September 1, 1862; commissioned first lieutenant, November 4, 1861, with rank from September 9, 1861, original.

45th_Infantry_CW_Roster  @p. 352
See post of March 7.

HOCHLEITNER, CHARLES.-Age, 50 years. Enrolled, September 4, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as captain, Co. I, September 9, 1861; discharged September 12, 1862; prior service in Co. C, Twentieth Infantry; commissioned captain, November 4, 1861, with rank from September 4, 1861, original; recommissioned, April 5, 1862, with rank from March 10, 1862, vice, himself, resigned.

45th_Infantry_CW_Roster  @p. 317
 See post of March 8.

CSERMELYI, JOSEPH.-Age, 31 years. Enrolled, September 6, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. K, October 3, 1861; transferred to Co. I, November 22, 1861; mustered in as captain, Co. G, June 15, 1862; discharged October 3, 1862; commissioned first lieutenant, November 4, 1861, with rank from September 6, 1861, original; captain, July 21, 1862, with rank from May 16, 1862, vice A. Bracklin, discharged.

45th_Infantry_CW_Roster  @p. 272
See post of March 8.

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