Saturday, May 12, 2012

May, Monday 12, 1862

Petersburg to Franklin.

Morning: Four o'clock march.

I take one dose of "taurin" after which my diarrhea subsides.

We are marching early and quite well during the cool part of the day and rest with regularity. - About twenty-two miles. Our next rest by a small village on a stubble field, in front of a newly built school house.

Order: Not to pass the lines for the enemy is rambling about.

I am without rations which Nachtmann neglected to obtain for me.

In the morning at three-thirty o'clock the men are awakened without reveille -, so the enemy shall not learn of our reinforcements on the way to Franklin.

By Franklin, Banks Division supposedly was pushed back by General Jackson and General Johnston. -

Here in a neighboring house are the wounded.

At night our company receives forty pairs of stockings, which are distributed the following morning before our departure.

Taurin: A crystallizable principle C2 H-5NO3 or Amido - Ethyl. Sulphonic acid from the bile, produced from the decomposition of Taurocholic Acid its crystals are colorless and are readily soluble in water.

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