Monday, May 28, 2012

May, Wednesday 28, 1862

Morefield (sic) to W............

Moorefield is friendly little city, situated in the most beautiful valley. We bivouac on a hill about fifteen minutes distance from Moorefield.

In the morning about five o'clock departure to W............ through mountains. This march is a real hardship for us since it starts to rain towards eight o'clock and the air has become so oppressive that when climbing mountains we cannot catch our breath. It is very hard, almost impossible, to carry our rubber blankets, but without same in a heavier rain our weapons and everything in our pockets would get soaked whereas the coat would have been too heavy from the water. About ten o'clock stop on a mountain by the road. The rain is letting up. We are resting for about three hours for our noon day meal.

Our musicians are disturbed near a fence with the noise of a rattle snake. The snake is about three feet long and is killed. She had a whole mouse inside of her and had five rattlers. A Cavalryman an American, boasts that the fat of same is an excellent remedy for hard of hearing. After one o'clock march. About two o'clock halt and bivouac on a mountain.

Afternoon: Beautiful weather with cloudy sky. Very pleasant northwind cools the air.

Pfoertner who was in the hospital in Franklin returns to us. Miserable position of the hospitalized sick and wounded.

The enemy supposedly is camping only a few miles ahead of us.

Our baggage wagons are returning to Petersburg.

The cauldrons from Company C were left behind in Petersburg since the wagons refused to carry them any further.

Ten miles from Moorefield. 

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