Thursday, May 17, 2012

May, Saturday 17, 1862


Issuance of discriptive list for Joseph Lenz and Jakob Zoller, sick in hospital, Washington and Georgetown.

The paylists have been delivered.

Mueller who yesterday in his anger demanded to be delivered to the Regimental Rapport, now explains to have been in too much of a haste.

Officer's meeting regarding the appointment to the regiment of Lieutenant Irsch, sponsored by Governor Morgan, have ascertained that several charges and accusations are pending against him. The officers conclude: To send a plea of General Fremont to suspend or nullify the appointment of Irsch, because the regiment would find it necessary to institute an investigation via Court Martial, for embezzlement.

I again suffer with diarrhea. Doctor Idler opinionates it to be hidden fever. Again I take quinine, after that I feel better.

We still lack rations. Beans for our noon day meal, one cracker per man. Discontent is making its appearance. General sentiments for example: The niggers are fed and so on - - -

I Receive a letter from Kurtz.

Landmann arrives, I buy twelve loaves of bread for the company for $3.00 since he only has so many for every company.

Redwine bottle $1.50, beer ten cents.


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