Thursday, May 31, 2012

May, Saturday 31, 1862

March to Strassburg.

Morning: Cloudy sky.

Departure put off. Great weariness through disturbance during the night. About seven-thirty o'clock inquiry by General Fremont's office in reference to the deficiency in delivered rations. Coffee and sugar are now to be weighed instead of measured since company alloments have been curtailed up to five lbs. Meat rations according to an order of General Fremont in Petersburg shall be one and one half ration per day for every soldier until further notice. Two o'clock departure. We are marching until six-thirty o'clock about twelve miles. Towards evening heavy fog with intermittent rain. We are in the avant guard i.e. forty-fifth company J.K.E and A. Skirmishers - Artillery, cavalry. Sixth O.V. Fremont's cavalry magnificent horses. Our vanguard took about thirty prisoners armed with beautiful guns. Guerillas. Halt on a mountain. Thunderstorms, rain. No wagon was permitted to follow the avant guard with the exception of a Quartermaster wagon which carries our meat but only half yesterday's ration.

About twelve miles before Strassburg.

Rations of sugar, coffee and crackers for two days, Sunday, Monday until Tuesday morning cannot be taken along, since two o'clock march.

Meat for Friday one - one -half lbs. No beans.  

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