Saturday, March 31, 2012

March, Monday 31, 1862

        Camp by Warrenton Junction.      Gloomy weather

Orders: A declaration to me made of all men in the camp, or the ones who remained behind in Fairfax.

Captain Hoefer proposes permanent reduction for Sergeant Siebert on account of refusal to march with the Regiment.

The rumor is circulating that four from the Garibaldis and fifteen from the Mounted Rifles are taken prisoners. In the short time of our stay here about fifty in all, from our Division.

Morning: Officers Meeting.

Reading of General Order from General Blenker with the hint of emnity of the German Press against the German Divisions. With sorrow does one see that we find ourselves under the false supposition as if we were in Enemy Country. THIS IS NOT SO.

In consequence of the supposition, "Marauders were in all Regiments". We are sorry to say that the Garibaldi Regiment had to bear the full brunt of punishment for it. We shall make up for it. (We shall repair the damage.)

The rumor is circulating that several Officers including the Major from the Cameron Rifles, went beyond the Outpost Chain against all regulations to a farmhouse and there were taken prisoners by the Enemy. For punishment their names were removed from the Officers List.

Report through Landmann that Hoefer's amd my things which remained in Fairfax, were destroyed by fire including tent, through arson by Enemy.

Roone is supposed to have been elevated to Brigadier Quartermaster.

Report that a party of our provision wagons with escorts from the Division of General Sumner, which were on a foraging mission, were taken by the Enemy. Among the escorts were: Ord. Sergeant Von Ives from Camp. G.

Here upon five Companies from our Regiment have been ordered to Picket Duty.

Company C in contact with Company B under Lieutenant Gronen, East from our camp.

Beautiful weather.

We are forming the Third Line.

Since we are four Officers our duties are easy.

The night is beautiful, passes without trouble. Three Enemy riders without uniform are brought in by our Cavalry.

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