Camp Warrenton Junction, Warrenton.
Orders from the High Command lead to the conclusion that we will be here for a long stay.
Every morning five thirty o'clock Dress Parade and exercising.
Towards eleven o'clock rainy weather.
SUDDENLY General March.
We still have time for a mug of bouillon and put the meat (in the meantime a herd of oxen come along) in our breadsack.
We line up for the purpose of Inspection, ordered by General Sumner to satisfy a pair of farmers from whom allegedly two horses were stolen. One Adjutant accompanying the farmers gives them full opportunity to search the whole camp. The horses were not found. However, a lot of property from farmers was found by the Garibaldi's. Consequently Lieutenant Colonel Refretti and several of his Officers were put under arrest. For punishment the entire Regiment G G must stand under arms until nine o'clock in the evening, in spite of the torrential downpour, hailstorms, and glazed frost. Aside from that watch is being organized in our camp.
Biskey, Officer of the Day. Gronen Officer of the Guard, ten men for Sentry's. After this a watch of eighty men, from our Regiment, have to surround the Garibaldi Camp.
At night the rear of our Watch has to be reinforced against possible Enemy attack.
Night - rain glazed frost.
Report that five to six men amongst them the Major from the Garabaldi Rifles, were taken prisoner by enemy Cavalry while they were eating dinner on a farm, Lieutenant Colonel escapes.
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