Friday, March 30, 2012

March, Sunday 30, 1862

Warrenton Junction, Virginia

Morning: Rainy weather.

Repeated calling of the men "coffee". After fruitless efforts to quieten the men; Sergeants and Officers Call. Meat shall be distributed immediately that the men at least get bouillon instead of coffee.

After that "Peace and Quiet."

Consolation that the reserves of coffee, salt, etc. will arrive as soon as the Railroad is repaired.

Eighty loaves of bread are left over from the last transport, which at first they wanted to distribute to the Officers. I intercede and suggest that for the time being only three loaves, should be given to each Company to be cut into the bouillon.

Noon: General March

Position of our camp is changed. The Brigade Stahl pushes about two to three gunshot lengths on a neighboring hill since the valley was, with all the rain we have had, quite swampy. The new place is dry and surrounded by forest of young oak trees. All are active like ants to build new huts. The rain is letting up, yet the sky remains cloudy.

A report is circulating that here and there one from ours, have been taken prisoners by Enemy Cavalry. One from De Kalb four miles from here taken prisoner on a farm. Consequently, "Roll Call" every hour, and four men from every Company are put out as pickets.

Discord in our Company C on account of the Kitchen Management. Many want the coffee in singular rations uncooked. Captain Hoefer decides against it, but orders that the Kitchen Help shall be changed daily, and consequently better controlled.

Bahson finds a beautiful revolver.

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