#Elizabeth Red 11
White - Red
6 - 7 - 8
1. Bring the weapon to the position of Present Arms, wave it twice to the right and so far that the muzzle of the point will come near to the ground.
2. Extend on arm nearly horizontally at the height of the shoulder, return it, extend the other in the same manner - remain so.
Lieutenant Cob respectfully Comp. Outpost.
A. Schada Adjutant.
Beautiful mild weather.
Morning: Walk with Lieutenant Hoefer and Sergeant Elehsin in a round about way to our picket on Four Mile Run bridge.
Corporal Link shot a fencemouse and sent the pelt to me.
Afternoon: Company C receives a barrel of beer from Lieutenant Hoefer.
Fight between Sergeant Maurer and Kistner, is quieted down again.
Sentry Ruf makes his appearance.
Lieutenant Hoefer is riding with Major Semsey the Doctor of the Grand Round.
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