Saturday, June 16, 2012

June, Monday 16, 1862

Mount Jackson.

Relief from patrol duty six o'clock.

Ten o'clock court martial against Wein Company C.

Eleven o'clock: General Blenker decides to summon officers to find and collect the wounded and take care of them.

Report that the Armycorps shall be reorganized.

General Schurtz is supposed to get a small division of the second brigade. (Bohlen and Steinwehr). Louis Blenker's feelings are hurt, but otherwise speaks very well and namely not as deeply hurt as his proclamation. In private conversation and when he gives orders his way of speaking remind one very much of that of the theater. His speech today appears to be a farewell speech. He said that he is ready to accept offers. - Imparts upon us the hope that General Siegel with eight thousand men will join us and we therefore would be under greater military guidance. After that I go to wash. While doing so officers meeting and voting for major. Captain Korh one vote, Hockleiter two, all the rest about twenty-five votes are received by Captain Dobke.

Afternoon: To paymaster Johnson who is about to pay out. As ordered by General Fremont, the payments are being suspended. The resignations from Major Semsey, Lieutenant Wexel and Lieutenant Captain Manyhardt are accepted. 

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