Friday, June 15, 2012

June, Sunday 15, 1862

Mount Jackson.

Morning: Nine o'clock church parade.

Noon: Thunderstorms threatening but blown away by another storm.

Afternoon: Officers call: Reading of orders by General Fremont, whereupon stragglers and marauders in the furture are to receive the strictest of punishment. These orders are to be read especially to the regiment and the companies. In the afternoon our regiment has division watch, brigade and picket duty. Lieutenant Hofferberth with fourteen men from Company C to picket duty with one day rations.

I receive a young heron nest chicken.

Four o'clock reading of the general order and important change in our officers corps; Lieutenant Cyermely, Captain for Company K for Braecklin. Lieutenant Heil, Captain for Manyhardt. Lieutenant Hofferberth, Peter First Lieutenant  Kandler and Kern. Letende Company C second Lieutenant.

We are awakened at eleven o'clock at night. Company A - B and C shall leave immediately to do picket and patrol duty. We arrive there at twelve o'clock and find Minze, Private from Company B, almost asleep lying on his spread rubber blanket. He was arrested but later did not receive punishment by producing a sick verification.

Relief six o'clock in the morning.

Wein, Company C, behaves obstinately has to be arrested and charges brought against him.

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