Thursday, June 14, 2012

June, Saturday 14, 1862

Mount Jackson.

Day of rest. Terrific heat. I go the water where I find a wonderfully cool place where I am writing.

Lieutenant Gronen now engineer by General Millroy's Divison pays me a visit.

I see a compass with prism and exact degree graduator the price of which from the Government Arsenal is $12.00. Likewise his perspective navy glass $25.00 of superior sharpness. Some of our officers are drinking champagne supplied by Landmann as if it were beer. -

At night beautiful sheetlightning which is not like the regular sheetlightning, flashes of large flames like perhaps a large quantity of explosive powder? Doctor Idler opinionates it to be the reflection of a very distant thunder and lightning storm. Lieutenant Wexel tells me that he handed in his resignation, also of Captain Manyhardt's resignation. 

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