Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June, Thursday 19, 1862

March from Mount Jackson to Woodstock.

Marching order changed again and the tents already have been dismantled.

The noonday meal is to be cooked first.

Most of the cauldrons have been sent ahead likewise the provisions. Eleven lbs. of bacon is distributed to the company. It is rumored that two soldiers who were across the river not too far from our camp were taken prisoners while washing their feet. About eleven o'clock march.

Arrival in Woodstock about seven o'clock. - During our march the weather was very pleasant, a little warm, here and there a little rain, slight breeze, cloudy sky.

The wheat is getting ripe and looks beautiful. Pierty arrived in Woodstock without supplies but is still expecting same. 

I receive a letter from Dietz who is in Cumberland hospital, he is suffering and wants furlough to go to New York. 

Pierty leaves the following morning again to go to Winchester without me being in the position to give him my money for home.

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