Thursday, June 28, 2012

June, Saturday 28, 1862

By Middletown.      Day of Rest.

Morning:   Order company drill. Our company has been ordered to wash their clothing.

Afternoon:   Regimental drill with variations by Captain Korh.

The verdict of the Court Martial against H. Wein, Company C, is being carried out. He has to carry a tentpost of forty lbs. up and down in front of the watch. He carries same four hours in the morning and four hours in the afternoon. Seven  -  nine o'clock: When he was ordered about ten o'clock to resume, Franz Miller Company A known as the Regiment's Harlequin "Uncle Sam," incites him not to do it:, "Not if I had to perish would I carry it." "That is cruelty to animals."

As I reproach him for his unruly behavior, the more boastful he becomes. Whereas he himself is watchpost over prisoners, he answers me: "If it makes you happy you can punish me." Consequently he is put under arrest and brought to the Lieutenant Colonel who orders him, that on account of mutiny and disrespectful language toward his superior officer, to be brought up to the Regimental Court Martial. In the afternoon massmeeting (sic) of the officers of the Stahl Brigade on account of accusations by the New York Tribune against the German Division in reference to lack of discipline.

A passionate explanation is read by General Stahl in the name of the officers and men.

I suffer with diarrhea since we left Mount Jackson. I feel very week. Doctor Idler prescribes quinine pills for me. 

Muster rolls are being distributed.

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