By Cedar Mountain.
Cool sunny autumn weather.
A recruiting party, according to a General order by General Pope, consisting of a commissioned officer and one man or a non commissioned officer from every company shall go to New York tomorrow. Adjutant Michaelis and Horstmann and from Company C: Siebert are, among others, appointed for this purpose.
In the evening six o'clock: Regimental inspection through Lieutenant Colonel Wratislaw. Because General Stahl has returned Colonel Amsberg takes over the command of our regiment.
Reports of our departure and paymaster are without foundation, however new muster rolls are being prepared for since the last ones were sent in, many sick etc. have rejoined the regiment.
Strictest orders against all marauding. General Pope declares that his former order was either misunderstood or deliberately misunderstood.
HORSTMANN, AUGUST.-Age, 26 years. Enrolled August 29, 1861 at New York city, to serve three years: mustered in as private, Co. C, September 9, 1861; promoted corporal, February 3, 1862; transferred to Co. G and promoted sergeant, June 15, 1862; mustered in as second lieutenant, February 6, 1863; as first lieutenant and adjutant May 3, 1863; as captain, Co. H, August 27, 1864; discharged on consolidation, June 30, 1865 at Nashville, Tenn.; commissioned second lieutenant, February 23, 1863, with rank from February 6, 1863, vice R. Koblank, promoted; first lieutenant and adjutant, August 7, 1863, with rank from May 2, 1863, vice A.R. Basson, promoted; Captain, February 18, 1865, wiht rank from August 26, 1864, vice A.R. Basson, resigned.
45th_Infantry_CW_Roster @ p. 322
SIEBERT, FRANZ,-Age 32 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as Sergeant, Co. C, September 9, 1861; returned to ranks, February 25, 1862; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 4, 1864; transferred to Co. C, Fifty-eighth Infantry, June 30, 1865.
45th_Infantry_CW_Roster @ p. 404
WRATISLAW, EDWARD C.-Age, 41 years. Enrolled September 9, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as lieutenant-colonel, October 7, 1861; discharged, May 11, 1863; commissioned lieutenant-colonel, November 4, 1861, with rank from October 7, 1861, original.
45th_Infantry_CW_Roster @ p. 434
VON AMSBERG, GEORGE,-Age 41 years. Enrolled September 9, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; and mustered in as colonel, October 7, 1861; discharged, January 22, 1864; commissioned colonel, November 4, 1861, with rank from October 7, 1861, original.
45th_Infantry_CW_Roster @ p. 419
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