Monday, August 6, 2012

August, Wednesday 6, 1862

Sperryville, Va.

A sergeant from Schirmer's battery takes over as assistant for the brigade quartermaster, the management of the ordnance transaction for which the quartermaster of the brigade is responsible.

I order my things in the afternoon.

Captain Leonhard Company F arrives from the outpost. He has been put under arrest by General Clusuret who is commander there, under accusation by a farmer's wife who allegedly was attacked the very night Captain Leonhard conducted a house search for enemy soldiers who supposedly were hiding there. The suspicion at the same time rests on a pair of scouts of Clusuret's who were there right after him. Michaelis is awaited with Mrs. Amsberg and Pierz. I receive a pass in the evening signed by General Sigel to go to the regiment with nine-teen men, twelve from the forty-fifth and seven from the twenty-seventh regiment. From the latter some wagons are going. They were supposed to leave at four o'clock but were not ready until about seven o'clock and then left without Captain Leonhard, me and Corporal ........ who went to call for us. We hoped they would wait for us, or at least for Captain Leonhard who on horse, tried to catch up with them but could not.


LEONHARD, CHARLES-Age 34 years. Enrolled, August 27, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as captain, Company F, October 9, 1861; killed in action, May 2, 1863, at Chancellorsville, Va.; commissioned captain, November 4, 1861, with rank from August 27, 1861, original. @ p. 347

MICHAELIS, AUGUSTUS-Age 36 years. Enrolled September 9, 1861 at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as adjutant, October 8, 1861; as captain Company I, November 22, 1862; wounded and captured in action, May 2, 1863, at Chancellorsville, Va., exchanged prior to August 1863; commissioned first lieutenant and adjutant, November 4, 1861, with rank from October 8, 1861, original; captain February 20, 1863, with rank from November 22, 1862, vice F.W. Dros, dismissed. @ p. 361


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