Friday, August 3, 2012

August, Sunday 3, 1862

Sperryville, Va.

Captain Hoefer, Lieutenant Wiegand, Lieutenant Doerr and Doctor Feldbausch are going by ambulance to the forty-fifth regiment. In the morning bath likewise in the evening.

Six patients from our regiment who were sent back here from our outpost and bivouaced without care in our old camp, are beng taken into the abandoned camp of the twenty-seventh regiment where there remained behind a watch of twelve men under Lieutenant Hermann, also several sick men.

Just now the ambulance from the twenty-seventh regiment returns from the outpost, bringing a wounded man from the mountain battery who was shot by Guerillas.

Four of these have been taken prisoners. Lieutenant Gronen visits us and tells that he is commander of a company of engineers under direct order of General Sigel. 


GRONEN, OTTO-Age 23 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as a private, Co. C, September 30, 1861; transferred to Co. B, January 22, 1862; promoted sergeant, same date; first sergeant, March 1, 1862; returned to ranks, May 25, 1862; first lieutenant, Co. A, February 28, 1863; discharged, June 5, 1863; commissioned second lieutenant, December 19, 1862, with rank from October 31, 1862, vice G. Korn, promoted; first lieutenant, June 3, 1863, with rank from February 27, 1863, vice C. Hartel, resigned.

45th_Infantry_CW_Roster @ p. 303

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