Friday, August 31, 2012

August, Sunday 31, 1862


In the morning before Centerville we caught up with our regiment and we marched with them to Centerville where we still find the same barracks of the Rebels that we found here when we went through here last March. At the time regiment upon regiment arrived here and were put up in forts and bivouacs.

Abundance of crackers and salted meat from provision wagons which on the way here met with an accident and had to be unloaded. Likewise trains of ambulances and army wagons are arriving with wounded, of which some will remain in the hospital here and some will be sent further on to Fairfax and Washington. Among the latter Captain Spangenberg*, Lieutenant Heisterberg**, Sergeant Ives*** who is in great pain with his knee and Corporal Pfoertner. The army was marching the entire day. Rations have been distributed in the meantime and are cooked regularly. The following day rest in Centerville.


*SPANGENBERG, JOSEPH.-Age, 31 years. Enrolled, September 3, 1861, at New York city to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. H, September 19, 1861; transferred to Co. B, November 23, 1861; mustered in as captain, Co. H, March 18, 1862; wounded in action, August 31, 1862, at Bull Run, Va., and May 2, 1863, at Chancellorsville, Va.; mustered out, March 15, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn.; commisssioned first lieutenant, November 4, 1861, with rank from September 3, 1861, original; captain, November 19, 1862, with rank from March 18, 1862, vice F. Bickelhaupt, resigned; lieutenant-colonel, not mustered, February 18, 1965, with rank from January 18, 1865, vice C. Koch, resigned.   @p. 406

**HEISTERBERGH, FRANZ.-Age, 22 years. Enlisted, October 21, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, October 24, 1861; promoted sergeant, April 4, 1862; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. D, November 22, 1862; as first lieutenant, Co. I, April 18, 1863; discharged on consolidation, June 30, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn.; commissioned second lieutenant, February 20, 1863, with rank from November 22, 1862, vice C. Benss, promoted; first lieutenant, June 3, 1863, with rank from April 10, 1863, vice R. Koblank, resigned; captain, September 16, 1864, with rank from August 26, 1864, vice A.R. Basson, resigned; commission as captain withdrawn.   @p. 313

***IVES, RICHARD S.-Age, 34 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. G, September 14, 1861; wounded in action, August 30, 1862, at Bull Run, Va.;died of his wounds, March 18, 1863, at Washington, D.C.    @p. 324

All: 45th_Infantry_CW_Roster

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