Friday, August 10, 2012

August, Sunday 10, 1862

By Culpepper - Cedar Mountain

Arrival in Culpepper amid the cannon thunder of battle.

We see the city situated left in the valley. Everywhere tents, wagons, whole trains of ambulances with the wounded.

We rest about fifteen minutes and then march towards the battlefield. On our way innumerable wounded in ambulances, on horses and on foot. A great number not so badly wounded presumably on account of the type of cartridges used by the Rebels. (Three posts?)* The camp of the Schenk Division is located about three miles from Culpepper. We find the brigade staff already there. General Sigel arrived last evening. The canon thunder subsides. The enemy has retreated and burned the bridge in the process. General Banks suffered terribly, on of our men maintains to have seen him on the road with a wounded leg.

I find a beautiful knife.

Terrific heat.

Our baggage wagons are returning to Culpepper and since we are marching lightly in order to be prepared for any occurrence, we are without all comfort against heat and rain.

Afternoon: Thrunderstorm and rain.

For the night Schaefer lends me his blankets.

Flag Signal.

 *Translator's note.


There are seven Schaefer/Schäfers listed on the 45th Infantry Civil War Roster, 2 Adam, August, Frederick, Philip and George. I have selected August as the most likely candidate for the Schaefer mentioned in the diary as he enlisted in Co. C and was the only Lieutenant.

SCHAEFER, AUGUST. - Age, 40 years. Enrolled, September 9, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; promoted commissary-sergeant, November 1, 1861; second lieutenant, Co. F, November 1, 1862; discharged, February 18, 1863; also borne as John A.; commissioned second lieutenant, November 19, 1862, with rank from September 1, 1862, vice J.W. Vanderhoef, promoted.

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